Friday, November 11, 2016

Andrew 1783

From Andrew's pension application 1818.  He apparently didn't know when he was discharged.



   On this   seventeenth day of   April A.D.   1818  before the subscriber, President Judge of the Eleventh Judicial district in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania, personally appears   Andrew McClure ------- aged   sixty three ---------- years, resident in   Newport in the County of Luzerene ---------   in the State aforesaid, who being by me first duly sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the provisions made by the late act of Congress, (unknown) to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval service of the United States in the revolutionary War.” That the said   Andrew McClure ---------- enlisted in   Sussex County ----------   in the state of   New Jersey in 1776 --------------- in the company commanded by Captain   Abraham McKinney of the   New Jersey Regt commanded by Ephrain Martin   that he continued to in the said corps   and others   in the service of the United States, until the   seventh day of June 1783 ------   when he was discharged from service in   near New Windsor   state of    New York     That he was in the battles of   Long Island    White Plains - Brandwine and several small engagements with the enemy and at the taking of Cornwallis that then discharged here with forwarded (unknown) in 1783

And that he is in reduced circumstances, and stands in need of the “Assistance of his Country for Support” — and that he has no other evidence now in his power of his services.

Sworn to, subscribed and declared, Before me,
the day and year aforesaid.                                              Andrew McClure

  Ths. Burnside

Time line 1783

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